who – how – costs

who People of all ages who require medical care and are interested in a broad approach are invited to contact me.
Babies and toddlers with their closest caregiver(s) are especially welcome. I pay attention to the so-called baby body language and gently consider possible effects of the pre- and perinatal experiences of the baby/child.
how Treatments can take place in German and English. Interpreters can be called in for sign languages as well as other spoken languages.
costs One session costs 105,-€ and lasts 45 to 60 minutes.
The majority of the public health insurances in Germany reimburse a part of the osteopathic treatment costs. You can find information on www.osteopathie.de/krankenkassenliste or inquire directly with your insurance. Usually, a prescription for osteopathy by a medical doctor is required.
Otherwise, invoices are based on the German billing regulations for CAM-practitioning (GebüH).