ibt - Integrative Baby Therapy...
- is an emerging form of therapy from the field of pre- and perinatal psychology.
- can be applied to all ages.
- acknowledges the influence of the formative time before and around birth.
- trusts your psyche – you who is beyond arbitrary control.
- let's your body memory speak.
- realizes that birth is a formative basic experience that will influence how you react in times of stress and transitions later on in life.
- includes baby body language (BBL) meaning unconcious body posture and gestures that point to earliest experiences.
- works permission based.
- was developed by Matthew Appleton who also trained in pre- and perinatal psychology and body psychotherapy.
- looks at the first nine months after birth as the extended womb period.
- acknowledges the imprints our early experiences have on how our nervous system operates.
- believes that the alchemy of healing can occur through sharing and acknowledging personal experiences.
- at its core gives space for the babies to tell their story through e.g. BBL, reactions, looks, crying without their closest caregivers falling into feelings of guilt oder blame.
- aims at completing processes to move through certain experiences that got previously interrupted (this is comparable to the approach of Somatic Experiencing).
- looks at birth in four stages based on the baby's perspective.
- takes into account that we were all born.
- works in the relational field of the baby because this is where it learns how to regulates its nervous system in the face of challenges of life.
- works with the so-calles triune brain that lets us react differently to stress (social engagement, movement, immobilisation).
- acknowledges the is-state.
... simply makes sense to me.